Jaime Cortez & The Perfume Recordist (Lisa Robertson & Stacy Doris)
NOV16.08 @ 6:30pm
@21 Grand JAIME CORTEZ is a cultural worker based in the San Francisco Bay Area. His writing has appeared in a dozen anthologies. Jaime’s visual art has been exhibited at numerous California galleries. He was the editor of the anthology Virgins, Guerrillas & Locas. Cortez has worked as a high school teacher in Japan and at the AIDS Memorial Quilt and GalerĂa De La Raza. Jaime has lectured on art and activism at Stanford, Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara, University of Pennsylvania and the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. He is currently preparing a manuscript for The Jesus Donut, his first collection of short stories,slated for publication in 2009 by Suspect Thoughts Press.
The Perfume Recordist was born from the confused and wildly charged encounter of waves and molecules, a tardive yet opulent (voir peonylike or Venutian) offshoot of early twentieth century Quantum Physics, her roots winnowing back to the great Physic of Avicenna, foundational to Well Being as one would wish to know it, yet in coyest contradiction to the contradiction of Aristotle’s Metaphysics. In other words, in a flagrant refutation of what’s commonly known as logic, the Perfume Recordist finds it her vocation to be beaten and burned until she demonstrates that to be beaten has indeed much in common with being burned, and to be burned has much in common with beating. These beatings and burnings join in layers of raptures, though the Recordist assiduously attempts to avoid both alchemy and redemption in her ecologies of (re)constitutions. The forging of senses entails forgeries? Ha !