Jocelyn Saidenberg (& Co.) and Ara Shirinyan
LIVE Sunday, October 19th
@ 21 Grand, 6:30pmJOCELYN SAIDENBERG is the author of Mortal City (Parentheses Writing Series), CUSP (Kelsey St. Press), Negativity (Atelos), and Dispo
Jocelyn will be performing "Wild Analysis!" a play co-written with Cynthia Sailers, starring Chris Chen, David Brazil, Bob Glück, Stephanie Young, Cynthia Sailers, and Ms. Saidenberg. Not to be missed!ARA SHIRINYAN was born in 1977 in, what was then, the Soviet Socialist Republic of Armenia. Since 1987, he has lived in Los Angeles, where he writes, teaches, and is editor of Make Now Press. His first book Syria Is in the World was published by Palm Press in June, 2007. Speech Genres1-2 is available as an electronic download from Ubuweb. Handsome Fish Offices was published earlier this year by Insert Press. He is also the author of Your Country Is Great, also published in 2008 by Futurepoem Books. With the group Godzik Pink, he released two CDs (Es Em, Ekel Em and Black Broccoli) on Kill Rock Stars/5rc. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Word Ways, UBUWEB, Greetings, Trepan, Combo, Area Sneaks, Tuli & Savu among others.