
Sunday, March 15, 2008

The (New) Reading Series at 21 Grand presents

Ariana Reines & Barrett Watten

6:30 pm
5 USDollars

(refreshments provided; BYOB encouraged)

416 25th St. (at Broadway), Oakland

ARIANA REINES is the author of THE COW (Alberta Prize, FenceBooks: 2006) and COEUR DE LION (mal-o-mar: 2007). Two translations will come out in 2009: MY HEART LAID BARE by Charles Baudelaire (mal-o-mar) and LITTLE BLACK BOOK: DAYS AND NIGHTS OF A REVOLUTIONARY WHORE by Grisélidis Réal (Semiotext(e)). Ariana's first play, TELEPHONE, just ended its run at The Cherry Lane Theatre in New York. Right now she's Holloway Lecturer at UC Berkeley.

BARRETT WATTEN is the author of two long poems, Progress (1985), and Under Erasure (1991); Frame (1971-1990), a collection of eight previous works. He is also the author of The Constructivist Moment: From Material Text to Cultural Poetics (2003), Bad History (1998); former editor of This and publisher of This Press, and author of Total Syntax (1984), essays on modern and contemporary poetics. He teaches modernism and cultural studies at Wayne State University, Detroit.